Potent endo-xylanase promotes optimal digestibility & maximizes energy potential

Reduce feed costs while maintaining high performance 

Optimal NSP breakdown for increased nutrient availability

Generate more energy and improve FCR

By delivering prebiotic effects, endo-xylanase activity supports a thriving gut microbiome

Feed Products Nutrase® Xyla HS

Nutrase® Xyla HS
High performance endo-xylanase

Nutrase® Xyla HS is a unique purified endo-xylanase NSP enzyme that greatly improves digestibility of corn and wheat diets for monogastrics, while stimulating a healthy gut. Combined with a neutral pH optimum it ensures maximum time and efficacy for optimal activity in the GI-tract.

For optimal digestibility & consistent animal performance.
Unveiling the power of Nutrase® Xyla HS!

Nutrase® Xyla HS  is highly effective at breaking down both water-soluble and water-insoluble arabinoxylan (AX), thereby improving digestion, releasing nutrients and stimulating butyrate production.

Did you know that arabinoxylan (AX), a major antinutritional factor in feed, lowers your animals’ feed efficiency?
Nutrase® Xyla HS, the top-performing endo-xylanase, helps your animals extract more usable energy from their feed.

Paying twice: how poor feed utilization hurts your animals and your wallet

  • Bad litter quality
  • More foot pad lesions
  • Poor gut health
  • Weak and challenged immune system
  • Poor growth and development
  • Higher feed cost because your animals aren’t extracting the maximum energy and nutrients from their feed

An excellent NSP enzyme for optimal nutrient utilization:

  • Boosts nutrient availability
  • Increases energy use
  • Improves litter quality
  • Facilitates beneficial carbohydrate fermentation
  • Stimulates feed efficiency
  • Improves productivity
  • Supports intestinal integrity 
  • Leads to better animal welfare
  • Modulates the immune system
Get access to our performance reports to find out how much Nutrase® Xyla HS can optimize your profitability.

Wheat, corn and barley are major ingredients in animal feeding, providing production animals with essential nutrients and energy for growth and maintenance.

However, a considerable portion of the carbohydrate fraction present in these grains is made up of poorly digestible components classified as non‑starch polysaccharides (NSP), of which arabinoxylan (AX) is the main constituent. Due to their location and abundance in plant material, AX can cause a considerable reduction of feed digestibility, while in some diets it also increases wet droppings. The antinutritional effects of AX can be effectively eliminated by selecting the right NSP enzyme for your feed.

Nutrase® Xyla HS, our powerful NSP enzyme, helps your poultry and pigs grow faster and healthier.

Arabinoxylans (AX) are a major obstacle reducing feed efficiency. These antinutritional factors in cereal based diets make it tough for animals to digest everything they eat. That means less energy gets absorbed from the feed, leading to wasted resources and potentially lower quality animal products.

That’s where Nutrase® Xyla HS comes in, (y)our secret weapon to break down these undigestible fibres, allowing poultry and swine to absorb more nutrients from their feed and boost your productivity.
Your benefits?

  • Faster growth rates: Animals reach their market weight sooner.
  • Improved meat quality: Improved tenderness.
  • Reduced feed costs: Get more out of every bag of feed, maximizing your profitability.

NSP enzymes are widely used in animal production for their capacity to increase feed digestibility and to decrease the antinutritional effects of certain carbohydrates.

Achieving cost savings without compromising performance:
Inside the action of Nutrase® Xyla HS’s purified endo-xylanase 

The underlying mode of action is to maximize nutrient accessibility by:

  1. breaking down water-soluble and water-insoluble arabinoxylan (AX)
  2. creating prebiotic AXOS leading to beneficial effects on gut health
  3. gradually increasing enzyme activity thoughout the digestive tract
  4. optimal activity at neutral pH
  5. exhibiting prolonged working time at its maximum capacity
  6. offering exceptional thermal stability, even under intense high-temperature pelleting conditions
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Prolonged working time of Nutrase Xyla HS compared to other enzymes

Are your animals getting the most out of their feed?
Optimize digestion & nutrient absorption with Nutrase® Xyla HS.

In conclusion, Nutrase® Xyla HS offers a clear and strong advantage over other xylanases for improving animal performance and gut health. Its ability to break down both water-soluble and, especially, water-insoluble AX fractions unlocks additional nutrients and energy for the animal.

Additionally, the resulting AXOS fragments act as prebiotics, promoting beneficial gut microbiota and immune function. By being a purified endo-xylanase, Nutrase® Xyla HS avoids the energy waste associated with xylose production and maintains its effectiveness throughout the digestive tract due to its optimal pH range.

These combined benefits make Nutrase® Xyla HS a valuable tool for maximizing nutrient utilization and gut health in monogastric animals.

High feed costs & poor animal performance?
Nutrase® Xyla HS, our endo-xylanase, addresses your nutritional challenges.

Tailored nutritional solutions
At the heart of our business is a commitment to providing comprehensive nutritional guidance to our valued customers. We believe that optimizing feed for optimal performance and cost-effectiveness requires a continuous dialogue between our experts and yourself.

Reach out for personalized solutions
Don’t hesitate to engage our team for solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals. We are always eager to answer your questions and provide expert insights to elevate your animal nutrition strategies.

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